Recommended for: Managers, Immediate Supervisors of authorized persons or Individuals working at a height. Includes Competent Person and Competent Inspector
Authorized Person Training
Recommended for: All individuals who are working at heights. Required for employees who will be working first hand with the fall protection system
Train the Trainer Person
Recommended for: Individuals who are responsible for training Authorized Persons. Includes the Competent Person and Competent Inspector courses
Browse SRL’s, Harnesses and Carabiners when accessing a large span the Counterweight Horizontal Lifeline System equipped with a track and trolley, keeping the anchor point directly above the user for safety by reducing the possibility of a swing fall.
Recommended for: Managers, Immediate Supervisors of authorized persons or Individuals working at a height. Includes Competent Person and Competent Inspector
Authorized Person Training
Recommended for: All individuals who are working at heights. Required for employees who will be working first hand with the fall protection system
Train the Trainer Person
Recommended for: Individuals who are responsible for training Authorized Persons. Includes the Competent Person and Competent Inspector courses