Recommended for: Managers, Immediate Supervisors of authorized persons or Individuals working at a height. Includes Competent Person and Competent Inspector
Authorized Person Training
Recommended for: All individuals who are working at heights. Required for employees who will be working first hand with the fall protection system
Train the Trainer Person
Recommended for: Individuals who are responsible for training Authorized Persons. Includes the Competent Person and Competent Inspector courses
When floor space is at a premium, the Cantilever Gate System for Loading Docks and Overhead Doors are the perfect answer. OSHA compliant solution to your truck loading bay, shipping pits and overhead door fall protection needs.
Recommended for: Managers, Immediate Supervisors of authorized persons or Individuals working at a height. Includes Competent Person and Competent Inspector
Authorized Person Training
Recommended for: All individuals who are working at heights. Required for employees who will be working first hand with the fall protection system
Train the Trainer Person
Recommended for: Individuals who are responsible for training Authorized Persons. Includes the Competent Person and Competent Inspector courses